Hypertensive Disorder’s in Pregnancy
Hypertension in pregnancy is divided into two categories – Danger signs such as – Severe headaches, blurred vision, epigastric pain, pedal oedema convulsions and.
Hypertension in pregnancy is divided into two categories – Danger signs such as – Severe headaches, blurred vision, epigastric pain, pedal oedema convulsions and.
An hour or two after delivery when the tone of the uterus is re-established as the uterus contracts again for expelling any remaining contents..
A graphical representation of the foetal and maternal conditions during labour, as well as the progress of labour, is called a partograph. It is.
By the end of this exercise, the participant will be able to correlate between assessment of cervical dilation, effacement & station of head with.
HOW TO DO CALCULATION OF EDD, OBSTETRICAL SCORE AND GESTATIONAL WEEKS By the end of this exercise, the participant will be able to calculate.