Participants will be able to recognise pregnancy issues and handle them on time by the end of this exercise, ensuring healthy outcomes for the mother and her baby and being essential for the well-being of pregnant women and foetus.

Procedural Steps:

  1. All pregnant women should be registered and encouraged for institutional delivery. Every Pregnancy is at Risk so we as a health care provider need to ensure that Every pregnancy gets special care.
  2. During pregnancy at regular intervals need to monitor
  • Maternal wellbeing
  • Fetal wellbeing
  • Progress of fetal growth
  • Identify abnormalities in pregnancy early

3. After Assessment Decide appropriate intervention and timely referral.

4. Antenatal Visit

1st Visit With in 12 weeks preferably as soon as pregnancy is suspected

2nd Visit Between 14 – 26 weeks

3rd Visit Between 28 – 34 weeks4th Visit- Between 36 weeks and term

5. Apart from this, any time the women feel any problem/concern during pregnancy. All pregnant women should be brought to PMSMA on the 9th of every month to ensure at least 1 ANC by a doctor in 2nd/3rd trimester of pregnancy

6. History taking and Abdominal palpation and fetal heart sound.

7. Physical examination (Weight, pallor, edema, BP, Oral Cavity for dental hygiene, Thyroid for evidence of Goiter, breast examination for retracted nipples)


  • Hb, urine for sugar and proteins
  • Blood group and Rh type Syphilis
  • Testing for HIV*
  • Oral Glucose tolerance test for GDM

8. Two doses of Injection Td-1st dose at first ANC and 2nd dose after 28 days of 1st dose

9. If previous child birth was within 3 years of the current pregnancy, booster dose can be given provided complete course for Td was followed.

10. Tablet Folic acid 400 microgram/day in 1st trimester

11. Intake of at least 180 tablets of IFA from 14-16 weeks of pregnancy till 6 months after delivery to prevent anemia

12. Tab Calcium (with Vit D3), 500mg from 14-16 weeks of pregnancy.

13. Deworming by Stat dose of Tab Albendazole (400mg) on the onset of 14-16 weeks of pregnancy

14. Counseling for Birth Preparedness and Complication Readiness

15. In this situation, it is necessary to prepare a birth plan and identify a facility for delivery, as well as alert her about the danger signs of pregnancy and seek early attention. 

16. Counselling her for diet, rest, breast feeding and postpartum family planning

17. Referral to district hospital/other identified govt center for

  1. Thyroid function test
  2. USG between 18-20 weeks